Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Off to Neverland

But before I go, a picture of the weekend's project:

I'd say only a 75% success, but the next (which I've BIG plans for) should come out a bit better now that I've got some practice under my belt.  What matters is that little W loves it.  Case in point:

This was fifteen minutes after wrapping her up.  Joy!  And trust when I say I can't wait to tote her around the Chicago airport in this cozy thing.

Now that we're officially off on our adventuresome travels, my pops is housesitting, second car is in the shop being tended to in our absence, itineraries are written and ready, suitcases are put together in an orderly fashion, I almost feel like a grown-up.  Almost.  I mean, making my first stop a liquor store probably speaks volumes about my maturity but hey.  As long as I've no where to be and plenty of responsible adults around the babies?  Momma's turn to unwind.

But on the topic of traveling and packing... tell me, readers, how much is necessary for a trip of 10 days?  I feel that seven outfits for the children with a spare "cold weather" set wasn't pushing obscenely over-doing it.  Only four pairs of jeans and five shirts for me is straight slumming it, I'm thinking.  Then you've got my husband. 

"You think three pairs of everything would do it?"

Is it a gender discrepancy?  Or what?

And since this is looking to be a short post, I'll leave you with my favorite moment of the entire week.  Maybe the entire month...ok July just started, so we'll say of the entire summer thus far:

Driving to pick up my prescription, husband behind the wheel, we're running late.  Trains coming and those things are ENDLESS.  So I say, hey, go left!  Train is going the opposite direction so we'll be clever and get past it quicker this way.  However, I forget that the end of my block is where traffic backs up if there's a train because the left turn is damn near impossible to make.  Five cars back is us, waiting, waiting, waiting...  At last, an opening!  We turn right and plan to circle around.  Yes, my plan of turn left in the first place was stupid since we're going the direction we should've gone to begin with.  Whatever.  At last we're out of the neighborhood and driving to the pharmacy, which is a good twenty minutes out.  It closes at 5.  The time is now 4:45. Sweet husband drives like a bat out of hell, causing N to yell out "WHOA!" me to slam my imaginary break and grasp the handle above the door, and W to screech with glee.  Five minutes out, what comes on the radio?  Eye of the Tiger, of course.  What else?  Husband's face reddens with the stress, the pressure, I'm pretending we're in a bad-ass action movie and do a little slow motion cheering and hollering montage.  He says he can't handle the testosterone.  That surely if we did the deed to this song we'd end up with a boy!

Made it to the pharmacy by find out they close at 7:00.

Ok, now that this disjointed and random post is coming to a close... Flight leaves tomorrow.  Here's to a spaz-free flight (and hopefully the kids behave too...)

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