Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The lesser known perks of parenthood

When I was wheeled into that delivery room for the first time (er, only time really, and it was more like walked in begging for the induction to start) all I could think about was that tiny, cute baby I'd soon (24 hours later...) be holding, dressing in cute little pajamas, diapering in cute little diapers, cuddling all day long, raising to be an awesome human being.  All the stuff I'd packed into my head along my preconceived notions regarding how easy parenthood was going to be.

Like this.  All the time.

I wasn't wrong, necessarily.  Throughout the years those things have happened.  I've held babies, because they wouldn't be set down without a good fight.  I've dressed and redressed and dressed again babies who were soaked in drool, spit up, urine and/or feces.  I've diapered, oh, have I diapered.  I've cuddled a baby all day but usually only because she was sick and wouldn't be requiring her autonomy during that particular 24-hour period.  And so far all three of them are, in fact, awesome.  It's the things I didn't anticipate, couldn't predict, that have struck me as the most interesting and of note.

Like, the joy siblings find in each other.

She'll love A like this again someday.  Eventually.

I could sit and match socks all day.  Honestly.  There's nothing like a table full of socks that I don't touch until all the laundry is washed.  I go back and start hunting through that great, heaping pile of unmatched socks and, my friends, it's like Where's Waldo? for adults.

When they're finally tall enough to reach the good stuff and you can send them to fetch you the things you want need.

Somedays I'll dwell for hours on what the babies' inner monologues sound like based on their actions and facial expressions.  I'm pretty sure N is a cross between Thor and Stewie Griffin.

"This mortal form has grown weak!  I need sustenance!"

And then comparing what you expected to what you actually hear when they speak to you at last.

Then there's the exciting moment when you realize they're old enough to introduce to your childhood favorites, right?  I was tickled when A fell in love with Harry Potter.  I was downright thrilled when she first asked me to put on Doctor Who (though just a bit crestfallen when she requested the "bowtie doctor" instead of the "leather jacket" doctor.  I suppose everyone has their favorite.)  When N begs to watch Nightmare Before Christmas, I sigh with pride and accomplishment.

Witnessing them making their very own choices when they don't know you're looking on is also pretty fantastic.  Recently I "caught" A praying.  This isn't really a thing in my house; my husband and I are spiritual but always said that when the time came we'd let the girls choose their own path through religion.  To see what she chose all on her own is both fascinating and comforting.

I don't know about you, but hot damn if I don't feel like royalty if we all have clean faces and brushed hair.  Our pants and shirts are matching too?  A miracle hath occurred, someone call the press.

I'm sure those who know us well enough are shocked when they see our kids this put together.

Or that shining first on your child's timeline when they shut the door and wipe themselves.  I used to take pictures of her on the potty, now I'm just relieved when I hear her yelling at her sister to back off her privacy rights.

I expected it would feel good to be told I was "so cool" (emphasis hers).  But when I overheard her say it to a friend when she had no idea I was eavesdropping casually lurking around the corner, I was blown away.  Or to hear the reverence in her voice when she tells the class her mom is a NURSE! (I'm not.  Only an aide.  But to her it's all the same, so I don't argue.)

That day you realize they've been going to school for weeks and you haven't had to hold their hand through the day, introduce them to other kids they might enjoy, fight any battles for them.  She's officially an accepted member of society who is participating without so much as a hiccup!

And isn't it interesting that despite knowing the depth of emotion experienced when your biggest little ones are meeting these rarely-mentioned landmarks as they're forging ahead through the world on their very own, the little things you now find such pleasure in, it happens at least once a year: you hold a little baby, you see a little baby, you smell the sweet smell of a new little baby.

Then it all boils down once again to wanting to hold your very own new baby, dress your very own new baby, cuddle aaallllllll day...