Monday, February 10, 2014

Letter From a Nursing Student

**Disclaimer, I can't take credit for everything between the ------ lines.  Found it whilst doing random searches for care of the self.  The paragraphs before and after the lines are my own original writing.**

It's a bizarre Monday, a fourth day without the responsibility of an 8-hour-overnight looming ahead of me, three days of what should've been, probably could've been for most others, relaxing and unwinding after a hard week of class and work and class and work and eeking one to two hour naps in whenever the situation presented itself.  Many times that meant baby gates, a pillow and a blanket, floor space where toys have been shoved to both sides, and Nanny Nick Jr. aiding me in the afternoon care of the small ones.  Mom needs sleep?  Preposterous!  It's been four weeks since my semester began...and this has been the prevailing attitude, I can even claim it as my own.  That is, until this past weekend.  The one where I should've been devoting myself to enjoying my babies in between short spurts of studying for an exam.  Where I should've been, should've been, should've been so many things.  That's how it goes, these days.

This weekend the devotion of my self to everything besides my SELF came to a head in one very disconcerting health issue that sent my head spinning.  In many senses.  Out of no where I was forced to put my own care front and center; I don't know about you other moms, students, dads, caregivers, workers, but for me?  Nothing could've been more unsettling.  Nothing rattles the people pleaser in me more than saying "No", more than having this brand new entity to be concerned

"But....the baby......"

When the dust settles and the reality of it becomes very clear, that in the end the only one most able to meet your needs, to nurture you to health and sanity, is YOU... well, it isn't an easy reality to come to.  But this helped me.  And maybe it will help you too.


Hello to the friend, the parent, the spouse, the child, the colleague, the family, the acquaintance, the stranger in the bar who I forgot to call after my happy hour hello from my barstool:

I am a caregiver.

You probably know this about me by now.

Unless you were the stranger at the bar.  But if I ever call you, you'll come to know that too

I have a simple request, on behalf of myself and my fellow caregivers.  No matter where in the process we are, aspiring, practicing or retiring, it's the same.

Please remember, and feel free to remind me

Every day

Care of the self is necessary for the proper care of those in need that surround me.

Whether I am

A first year student or a second

I'm a dad

A mom

A fresh high school graduate beginning my generals next week

Working to put myself through post-secondary

Riding those student loans like a bull in the south of Texas

A single parent of multiple children

Any combination of the above

Any combination you could possibly conceive

I am a caregiver above all else

And before I consider me

I will consider the calling in my heart

Before I mind the aching in my bones

I am figuring out how to mend yours

I am not a martyr

I am simply consumed and ravaged

By what I love to do

Without consideration of reward



I may not have arrived at the realization that I am as important as the people I care for

Like my colleagues

My peers

My classmates


It could be I'm behind the curve

It could be I'm a fantasist, full of nothing more than a mix of gumption and inanity

But right now in my pursuit of this dream

I need to be reminded and I need you to remember

There will be days where I must come first

There will come a time when who I am now must be more front and center

Than what I want to be to the world

There will be moments where I am so lost in what I wish to become

That who I am is suffering

Show me

Slow me down

I nurture others

If I am a parent, I nurture them twice

I nurture the future nurturers

And am left with an empty tank on which to sustain myself

Help me refill

With a smile

A comforting embrace

A soft "It's going to be ok"

On a day when I'm convinced it will be anything and everything else

To the friend, the parent, the spouse, the child, the colleague, the family, the acquaintance, the stranger in the bar who I forgot to call after my happy hour hello from my barstool

It's not that I've forgotten you

In the madness that is this time of my life

I love and value "us" just as deeply now

As I did before

Please remember

And remind me

That it's ok to save the nurturing of our relationship for another time

When the fostering of my future success

Weighs so heavily upon me now


Remind me

That I am human just as those I am attempting to heal


In order to contribute to my success

In order to help me

Please don't demand more of me

The caregiver in me won't allow the neglect of you

So remind me

And remember

That this is not abandonment of you

This is the discovery of the nurse deep within me


Words that resonate.  Words that help me feel the edges of the "whole picture".

And now I think I'll go drink a glass of wine in my room alone with an episode of Grey's.  Adieu!

1 comment:

  1. Caring of yourself is one of the hardest things to do, regardless if your circumstances.

    Don't worry, I'll be reminding you.
